Teaching Assistant

Click here to see Texas A&M University’s course descriptions for undergraduate political science (POLS) classes and here to view the course descriptions for graduate classes.

POLS 603

I am currently a teaching assistant for 603, the course in maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for first year PhD students.

POLS 602

In Fall 2023, I was a teaching assistant for 602. The class is the introductory empirical modeling course for first year PhD students, mostly focusing on ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation. I taught weekly recitation sessions as well as created and graded the homeworks. The first year cohort consisted of 10 PhD students. The course evaluation can be found below, with questions 8-10 applying most to my teaching, and the files I used for recitation can be downloaded here.

Course evaluation for section 600.

POLS 209

In Spring 2023, I was one teaching assistant for 209. This course is the “Introduction to Political Science Research” and focuses on familiarizing students with the fundamentals of conducting social science research, such as building causal theories and utilizing common statistical software (R) to evaluate hypotheses with observational data. I graded assignments and held weekly recitation sessions where I elaborated on topics discussed during lectures and demonstrated the use of R. I taught two sections with a combined 50 students. The course evaluations are below, with questions 8-10 most related to my teaching.

Course evaluation for section 900.

Course evaluation for section 902.

POLS 200

In Fall 2021 and for both semesters in 2022 I was one teaching assistant for 200. This class, titled the “Foundations of Political Science,” is the introductory course in political science at A&M. It exposes students to historically important substantive work in the field and briefly discusses basic quantitative research methods and ideas, such as linear regression and experimental settings. The course evaluations are below where question items 8-10 most pertain to the teaching assistant.

Fall 2022

I led recitation and graded assignments for two sections with a combined 42 students.

Course evaluation for section 901.

Course evaluation for section 904.

Spring 2022

I conducted weekly recitations with 15 students and graded assignments.

Course evaluation for section 908.

Fall 2021

I graded assignments and led a weekly discussion session with 18 students.

Course evaluation for section 910.